Friday, 11 January 2013

Brief 6 - GD yearbook concept

As a group, we got together over the break to begin generating ideas and concepts to ultimately put the concept board pitches together. After initial talks, we set upon the idea of treating the entire year group as a unit as opposed to having individual pages per student — in turn, this decreases the amount of pages due to the more refined and focused content. Due to the more limited amount of pages, the budget would allow us to look at various specialist print processes to create a more imposing, engaging and tactile aesthetic.


As it is the 5th year of the course and also the 5th and final year of our current degree programme, we thought it would be interesting to explore and develop this within the publication. Charlotte came up with the idea of a roman numeral, "V" symbol which would act to brand and encompass our year. To counter the idea of removing individual pages per person, we proposed to have a categorisation system of 5 design disciplines which each person would choose to contribute to. This would be accompanied by an index, referencing the students work and their contact details.

Visual direction

We wanted the aesthetic of the yearbook to be visually imposing and striking. To reference the idea of our year being a solid unit, we thought to reference this with print production. We intend the publication to be monolithic and unified in its presentation through the use edge printing in the same colour as each face of the publication — in turn, this will create a solid block of colour.

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