Thursday, 31 January 2013

Brief 1 - Context - Martino Group

This is good. I like this.


Brief 2 - Context - Milieu

Studio Hiho devised the brand identity for Milieu — a property developer with an "emphasis on creating spaces of influence". The juxtaposition of the box board and premium stocks is intended to reference the nature of their work — deriving inspiration from the buildings themselves. The relationship between inside and outside is also referenced within the branding. Due to the stripped back aesthetic and contemporary design style, I think it would be useful to approach the Rebekah Hill branding in the same format; looking at how the choice of stocks can evoke a certain message and how it compliments the design itself.


Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Brief 3 - Brief revision

After the tutorial, it was clear that the collaborative Form and writing brief with Max and Yaf had to be revised. It was advised by Fred to split the project into individual briefs to later collate as Form and writing. We chose to therefore work on our own typefaces and specimen publications (1 each month, total of 2) to later come back and work on a range of print collateral using the fonts. We decided to ensure one of the typefaces related to another brief we were working on.

1 — Inspired by fonts used film titles and poster designs. I am currently working towards a dissertation exploring the semiotics of film poster designs so the research I complete for this will inevitably inform the production of the typeface.

2 — Bespoke typeface for a Fashion designer. As opposed to using a pre-existing font, I thought it would be appropriate to create a bespoke typeface that reflected Rebekah and her work that could be used throughout a range of promotional material.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Brief 1 - Context - Daniel Hopwood

I came across this identity for Daniel Hopwood, designed by Two Times Elliott. As Nicole is after a simple, wordmark logo, I thought this would be appropriate to use as a reference. The one colour palette, although minimal in its appearance, creates a striking aesthetic. The mark and sans serif type compliments the serif text brilliantly, especially when blind embossed on the business card.


Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Brief 1 - Logo development


As part of a personal design a day project, I designed a simple font called Sasquatch (below). I decided I could utilise this within the branding for Nicole but the extended horizontal bars of the A, E and H didn't seem to fit with the aesthetic and look she described (a clinical, stripped back approach). I removed these and looked at a different weight to then show Nicole, along with the other ideas, to hear her opinion.

She was particularly fond of the lighter version of the pre-made font (above) due to its simplistic and stripped back aesthetic. She preferred the lighter weight as the other seemed too imposing and may contrast too much with her style of photography.

I then altered some of the letterforms to create a visual balance —

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Brief 1 - Initial logo ideas

Sans serif typeface
Clean structure
Wordmark only
Limited detailing

I collated several sans-serif fonts which I thought were appropriate to the considerations set out by Nicole, looking at Gotham, Apercu, Cubano, Garaje and Franklin Gothic. I looked at various type combinations, either 'Nicole Holcroft Emmess' (+photo) or NHE Photo. I then ruled out the designs which I believed were not as effective as the others, either down purely to aesthetics or whether they'd compliment and balance with her photographs well (lighter weights).

Brief 3 - Context - Sea Monotype

For the Monotype foundry, Sea designed this set of publications that outlined and showcased their fonts. For Form and writing, we intend to design a number of typefaces with accompanying type specimens so this is a great idea of housing a set of publications — it also adds a sense of uniformity despite the variation of fonts and content. The use of multiple print finishes and processes also adds a unique and tactile aesthetic.


Monday, 21 January 2013

Brief 2 - Context - Cotton Love

Cotton Love are an independent clothing store selling original and vintage pieces. Founded devised this identity for the brand, using a stripped back aesthetic in the form of a simple wordmark. Their reasoning behind the the altered T letterforms was to reinforce the notion of pure and simple functionality — removing unnecessary detailing. The muted colour scheme used within the branding compliments the mark brilliantly.
